
Copyright Notice to All Users

All content, including images, on this website, is copyrighted to Mahshad Hosseini. These photographs may be under contractual agreements with third parties who have right to use them. Unauthorized use, including replication, reproduction, or distribution of these images without written consent from Mahshad Hosseini is a violation of copyright and contract laws. Legal action may be pursued in collaboration with any involved third parties.

Image Referencing

Images from this site can be referenced for personal, non-commercial use in drawings, illustrations, and similar artworks. When publishing such works, credit must be given as follows: “Photography by Mahshad Hosseini” with a link to and the Instagram page @mahshad__hosseini. Failure to comply may result in DMCA takedown actions. For commercial or sale purposes, a license or written permission from Mahshad Hosseini or their agent is required. Contact with details of intended use is necessary.

Image Sharing Guidelines

Sharing content from is permitted under these conditions:

  • Credit “Mahshad Hosseini” and link back to the website.
  • Do not use images for commercial purposes or out of context.
  • Modifications are not allowed without written consent from Mahshad Hosseini.
  • When used for news or blog features, images must not be edited or manipulated, except for previews.
  • In essence, images and materials from this website cannot be used in any form of artwork, design, or commercial context without explicit written permission from Mahshad Hosseini.